Monday, February 22, 2010

Short Story - 'Licked'

The story is in first person, in Andrews point of view. The story was written out very detailed in the gruesome parts of the story, so i guess this shows that the narrator may have experienced it? or the narrator likes tricks and fooling people around, having fun with it. It also shows that the narrator loves to fool around with his dad. At the beginning a boy named Andrews is mentioned and his a son of a dad and mum that is mentioned too, no other boys or girls were mentioned, so i believe that the narrator is Andrews and is a boy.

In the intro of the story the narrator gives reasons the following reason as to why he likes his dad:
- He takes me fishing
- He gives me arm wrestles in front of the fire on cold nights
- He plays scrabble instead of watching the news
- He tries practical jokes on me
and he always keeps his promises.

His dads two faults are firstly, if his dad knows there is a fly in the house, he won't stop trying to kill it until it is flat on the fly swat. His father doesn't use fly spray because of the ozone layer. Secondly, is that his mad about manners, escpecially Andrews table manners.

For 'His a dead eye shot', i think it means that once he sees the fly he won't lose it and he would kill it very quickly that the fly doesn't get away. This also gives the reason as to why he hardly misses.

The narrators name is Andrews.

The narrator suggests that Mr. Spinks hate children from the way people say hi to kids, if they hate them they say hi through their mouth and not their eyes.

The following is listed as Andrews tries to make his dad crack.
- He makes slurping noises as he drinks the soup
- Dips his bread in the soup and made it soggy. Then held it above his head and dropped it into his mouth, catching it with a slopping noise.
- He does it again but misses this time.
- rude, and said that he has got the chicken's bottom.
- Picks up a piece of chicken with his hands
- Picks up potato and dips it into margarine with half of his fingers also in it.
- Breaks the bone in half, sucks, slurps and swallows.
- Uses the hollow bone as a straw and sucks custard up the hollow bone.
- Picks up the fly swat and licks it, swallows and chews...

8. The final weapon is the fly swat, which andrew bought at first for this and licks it. There were black goo, which were currants and little bits of licurice, which Andrew smeared on the fly swat. This made his dad mad because it made his boss, run to the kitchen and seemed to be sick.

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