Monday, November 16, 2009

Silver Donkey - Exposition

Just as Fabrice said, the lieutenant was a liar, nothing about his brother was true, it was used to prevent the soldier from the horrors of war and an excuse for him to return home.
Firstly, the lieutenant would have returned the silver donkey to his brother, like he wished but instead he gave it Coco. This leads us to wonder, does he even have a brother? The lieutenant was going to return the silver donkey to his brother and yet he gave it to Coco on pg 191. ‘Fast as a rabbit, she began to dig…Coco snatched it up…. The little donkey shone back at her.’ So what does he have to return to his brother? Nothing. This evidence clearly shows his brother was fake, he had no excuse to return to his brother.
Secondly, the soldier was extremely was foolish and selfish because his plan for when he arrived home was to have a hot, soapy shower and he kept on mentioning about how his going to be all clean and had forgotten to mention about his brother. Like it is said on page 154, ‘have a bath… soap my hair into a big white ball… trim my toes and brush my teeth.’ It was not until Coco, who asked (on pg155) ‘What about your brother John?... Will you tell him that you’ve come home now. So he can stop crying at night?’This also explains that his brother is phony as he forgot him and needed Coco to remind him and ask. How could you forget, what you’ve come all this way for and an important sibling?
Lastly, he was the leader of the troops and he left them behind to die and didn’t even turn back for a last glance which is all true! Pg113 says ‘he might yet have stopped, but he didn’t- he kept walking….no one noticed he’d gone.’ This evidence states his selfishness costed many lives, those lives he was in charge of. In the end this clearly shows he is a very selfish person and that he made his brother up out of his actions in order cover for himself to get home.
In conclusion, the soldier was definitely lying about his brother as his brother had evidently found the silver donkey and wanted it returned but no, he gave it to Coco. If his brother was so important that he had to come all the way home for him, then how did he forget him and had given it to Coco? The lieutenant was an extremely foolish and selfish man.

Speech - Zoos should be closed

Zoos should be closed for animal’s freedom and happiness. It is wrong to have animals captured and chained up in a cage. Making them entertain us in order to be fed and they aren’t being fed enough in the first place!
How would you like your teeth pulled out or chained through the nose? Well, in a zoo somewhere, tigers teeth are pulled out, Bears chained through the nose in order for visitors to take photos and feel safe. This is torture! To make the matter worse this means that this animal is unable to chew its food and may cause death if he chokes.
It is proven that animals live longer in the wild and that zoo are shortening the original lifespan of these creatures. It is said that the Elephants in the wild live twice or more years than the relatives living in zoos. Researchers found that Elephants in zoos only live for 17 years compared to elephants in the wild that die of natural disasters live for 56 years! This is despicable! Not only are we making them suffer and work, we are killing them.
We may be keeping these animals for entertainment and money but can’t you see we are becoming the enemies of these creatures and killing our own species? Many animals kept under supervision of zoo keepers has caused harm and death to visitors and workers. Just two years ago in October, a female elephant at Moscow zoo killed it’s handler with a kick due to the nervousness while being moved into a truck. There was also another accident causing one death and one badly injured, both being visitors of the zoo. A tiger had escaped from its cage and attacked the two, it was the same tiger that attacked to zoo keeper the previous year. The tiger was then shot to death after being found, this is wrong. Animals from zoos may cause death and injuries but that is because we give them the pain and hunger. If this carries on, animals will go crazy in the zoo, they will keep on attacking humans and many may die.
Zoos should be closed, animals should be returned to the wild and we should live together in peace, they did nothing wrong and so we have no right to harm or hunt them.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

' My Friend '

My friend, my friend, please come down
I'm just here, about to drown.
My friend, my friend, you are so dear
So, don't leave me alone here.
My friend, my friend,don't ignore me
I know very well, you can hear me.
My friend, my friend you are so kind
Don't ever leave me behind.
My friend, my friend, don't make a fuss
You only just missed the bus.
My friend, my friend, now hurry up
Or else you are late, so get up.
My friend, my friend, Thank you very much
Without you I wouldn't be here for lunch.

' Brothers '

Brothers are not tame
Some may even be lame
Brothers are tough
They can be so rough
But in the end, they'll always be the one to blame

Acrostic Poem - ' My Mother '

My mother is kind.
You know, sometimes she is blind.
My mother may be short.
Of course, i don't mind her being that sort.
This mother of mine, is just like any other.
Her english my be bad, but we'll learn together.
Even though many can't believe it, but she did give birth to three.
Right or wrong, she may be, she'll always be the mother for me.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

English Assignment - Story Writing 'Never Alone'

Never Alone

On top of a hill was a small cottage in overlooking fields of lavender. As dusk began to fall. Minnie settled herself down on the verandah and waited patiently for Grandma Mel’s return. As time went on, there was still no sign of her. Minnie thought maybe grandma was too tired to come home and had decided to stay out tonight. Eventually she became tired and went to bed, but the same thing happened the next day.

On the third day, Minnie woke up feeling awfully lonely, being left alone once, she didn’t want to be alone again. She could never forget the night when her parents were shot during a tragic war, trying to protect her, leaving her to cry alone in darkness.

Minnie then got dressed for school. At school the time seemed to drag on and Minnie couldn’t get Grandma Mel out of her mind. As soon as school was finished she rushed home swapped her school bag for her backpack and left home in search of Grandma Mel. On her way, one of her classmates, Mike, spotted her.
“Hey! Minnie where are you going? You seem absent minded today, what’s wrong? ” he asked in concern while following closely.
“Grandma Mel’s missing, I’m going to find her.” She explained. “She hasn’t come home for three days now.”
“WHAT?!” questioned Mike in shock. “I’m coming with you.” He said seriously. “you can’t leave a girl wondering, right?” he said with a smile this time.

They quickly set off across the fields to the farm where Grandma Mel worked. When they arrived they saw the farmer hosing the yard.
“Good morning.” Minnie and Mike both said politely.
“Good morning, Oh! You must be Mel’s granddaughter!” he said after looking more closely. “what may be the matter?” asked the farmer.
“Err...” Minnie thought how to start. “Grandma Mel hasn’t come home, I was wondering whether you would know where she was?” explained Minnie.
“I don’t know, but she did mention going down town before heading home.”
“Thank you Sir!” Minnie said as she hurried off.

When they arrived in town, they went through many shops with a photo asking if anyone had seen Grandma Mel. Finally a bakery shop keeper said “This grandmother came in but she suddenly collapsed and was sent to hospital.”
“Where is she?! Is she alright?” Millie yelled.
“I’m sorry, that’s all I know but I may take you to hospital.” suggested the man.

After arriving, she jumped out and ran inside, she was then directed to a doctor by a nurse, who whispered to the doctor before she left.
“Come, you must be Mel Ginsberg’s grandchild?”
“Yes, where is Grandma Mel, is she alright?” asked Minnie. Suddenly sadness fell across the doctor’s face. “I’m sorry, little one.” There was a long pause.
“You’re… an hour too late, unfortunately, she has passed away.” Shock went straight across Minnie’s face, tears rolled down her wide open eyes and she, dropped to the ground. Mike ran in, seeing the scene he asked “What’s wrong?”
“Grandma Mel she’s…… dead.” Minnie’s voice trailed off.
Minnie now seemed blind as she drifted away lifelessly “I’m…alone, why did everyone die?” tears kept rolling down. “I don’t want to live anymore, it’s not fair. I want to die and see everyone.” It started to rain, it was getting dark. Not knowing it, she had drifted to her parent’s grave. There she laid, slowly falling asleep.

“Minnie” she turned around and there stood her parents. “Minnie, don’t give up on your life, there is someone out there who will be important to you. We’ll always be with you, you’re not alone, open your eyes.”
“Minnie!” shouted Mike.
“Thank god you’re okay, you’ll never be alone again.” said Mike. Suddenly she hugged him and said “Thank you.” as tears rolled down but this time, not for sadness but happiness.

English Assignment - 'The Dark Hills Divide' Interview

Alexa: Today I’ll be interviewing Ganesh, shall we start?
Ganesh: Hurry up! What questions would a child like you have?
Alexa: Er.. What is your name exactly?
Ganesh: Sebastian, don’t you already know that?
Alexa: Well, the audience needs to know too.
Ganesh: (turns away) Whatever!
Alexa: Where are your parents?
Ganesh: My parents? They’re dead, years ago. Useless parents, they were killed of their stupidity. All they did was steal and sell tobacco.
Alexa: What happened to you after the death of your parents?
Ganesh: when they died, I was old enough to look after myself. I didn’t really care about them anyway.
Alexa: Oh, so I heard you’re a vagabond and a criminal too?
Ganesh: Yeah, so?
Alexa: Why did you choose to slack off so much, so much that you lost a home and a job??
Ganesh: Home? Job? They were nothing to me. All the bossing around; do this, do that and having to clean the house, make meals. It’s all too much work!
Alexa: How did you become a convict? Did you steal things for a living?
Ganesh: No, why would I steal like those idiot parents of mine?!
Alexa: Then what crime did you commit?
Ganesh: I just killed a son of a * that’s all!
Alexa: Why? Why have you killed that man? And who was he?
Ganesh: Who? Him? He was just a passerby who bashed up every vagabond he met. I just got irritated and got a knife and stabbed him to death.
Alexa: So, you killed someone you didn’t know because he was irritating?
Ganesh: Yeah.
Alexa: That's it?
Ganesh: YES!!!
Alexa: How were you caught then? Did one of the guards see you kill him or…?
Ganesh: One of his friends ran away freaked out like a little boy crying to his mum and reported it.
Alexa: So, then you were caught and sent to jail?
Ganesh: What else would happen?! God, don’t ask such obvious questions!!
Alexa: What was jail like? How long were you in there until you saw the outside again?
Ganesh: Why don’t you just go and experience it yourself? Isn’t that easier than asking me? And I was in there for days, weeks, months or even years, I don’t know! Only someone who’s gone crazy would start counting.
Alexa: Were you happy when you knew you would be outside the bars and into the outside world again?
Ganesh: Of course, I thought after all it’s over I could turn over a new leaf, start over again and climb to the top too and maybe even be rich someday.
Alexa: Did you like Warvold? Were you glad that he gave you this chance?
Ganesh: Yes, He was a good man. As long as we worked, we were given a place to sleep and food to eat. It was one of the best times in my life.
Alexa: With this being said, why and how could you have killed him?
Ganesh: BECAUSE, we were sent away then jailed again. I wanted revenge and power, to do that, I had to kill him. I needed more power, I needed the power to overtake the other cities and finally get my revenge on those who sent us back to jail.
Alexa: Is that why you joined the rebellion?
Ganesh: You mean that bunch of good for nothings? Of course, I only joined so that once we overtake Bridewell, I would take over and rule them all.
Alexa: What is it like to try and kill a child such as me? Didn’t you feel any sympathy or shame?
Ganesh: Not at all! It’s all for power and revenge, it’s only just a small sacrifice, what change does it make to the world?
Alexa: After all these years of planning and still to have failed, how do you feel?
Ganesh: (Going crazy)I want to kill you!!!, because of you, you, YOU!!! If you weren’t alive none of this would have happened!!!!!
Alexa: Well, a lady, that’s all I have time for, thank you. I have to go now before he catches me, bye!